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Chinese Money Plant Basics

Chinese Money Plant (pilea peperomioides)

The Chinese Money Plant (pilea peperomioides), a popular easy care house plant got its nickname from its coin-like leaves. Its tolerance for a variety of lighting conditions and minimal care make it a good beginner houseplant. Pilea are known for growing “pup” plants that you can give away to friends, spreading your plant love. Chinese Money Plant Care Basics Pilea will tolerate a variety of lighting situations but do best in bright indirect light. Avoid putting it in direct sunlight so…

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Nerve Plant Care

House Plant Tips: Nerve Plant Care

The nerve plant is a great beginner plant. Nerve plant care couldn’t be simpler. Once you have a handle on the basics, you can prune your plant and propagate clippings for yourself or to give away. Nerve Plant Care Basics Nerve plants (fittonia) are native to the rain forests of South America where they grow as ground cover. The nerve plant is a low maintenance houseplant with a natural tendency to spread, which makes it an easy and attractive choice…

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Fungus Gnats in Potted House Plants – Get rid of them!

Fungus Gnat - A house plant nuisance

What is a fungus gnat you ask? A few weeks ago I was watering one of my plants and noticed that it was swarming with flying bugs. What the heck? Gross. Every time I moved a leaf, what seemed like dozens of bugs would fly up out of the plant. Fruit flies, I thought, and put out a dish of apple cider vinegar covered with plastic wrap poked with holes. Works every time. Except this time, I checked back the…

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